Whitby Bible School

Matthew Hibbard  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Oct 2015
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Whitby Bible School

Beth Keel & Michael Taylor

On the first weekend of September around 25 young people arrived in Whitby for the annual September Bible School.

This year the theme of living as a Christian in the modern world was taken. Andy Patterson (FIEC Missions Director) and Phil Heaps (Grace Church, Yate) were the speakers. Kamal and Emma Zarour shared news of their work amongst Muslims in Manchester.

Phil started the weekend with a challenging and helpful reminder from Romans 1 that the Bible is not outdated but in tune with the society within which we live. The rest of the sessions were taken from the Sermon on the Mount, focusing on: the beatitudes as a model for Christian character, perfectly exemplified in Christ; how to be salt and light in a darkened world; the importance of sharing that light; and the danger of wrongly overvaluing concerns of this world when we have ‘an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven.’

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