Bury: light in the north

UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Aug 2015
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Bury: light in the north

Geoff and Maggie King

On Saturday 27 June the church at Radcliffe Road Baptist Church (RRBC) met with invited friends from other churches to give thanks for Geoff and Maggie King’s 30 years of ministry in Bury, Greater Manchester.

In 1985 Geoff and Maggie left Derby Road Grace Baptist Church, Watford, to re-plant a small and fading work in Bury. Along with David and Laura Higham from Wigan, Geoff and Maggie were supported in this work by their sending churches and by the Grace Baptist Mission.

After the first five years of the replant, the growing church called Geoff to be its pastor. On Saturday the church gave thanks to God for the many conversions and spiritual growth under Geoff’s ministry, and Geoff and Maggie’s loving and faithful pastoral care of both the saved and unsaved down through the years.

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