Durham: Ofsted didn’t interview

The Northern Echo / en  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2015
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Durham: Ofsted didn’t interview

Michael Wilshaw | photo: publicservantdaily.co.uk

In cases including that of the Christian school which the government closed, Ofsted admitted in early May that it did not interview any pupils or parents over claims its inspectors asked children inappropriate questions about sex. This was despite the head of Ofsted claiming investigations had taken place.

The Christian Institute (CI) established this, using a Freedom of Information request, that Ofsted did not interview the pupils, parents or staff behind the complaints. Simon Calvert, the CI’s deputy director, said: ‘It defies belief that anyone could think such an inquiry could take place without speaking to those who complained, the children, parents and teachers – but this is exactly what happened.

‘It is patently clear from this Freedom of Information request that the so-called inquiry was wholly inadequate.’

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