Word Alive: winds and worship

Peter & Nina Disney  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2015
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Word Alive: winds and worship

Lewis Green

The Easter period had some very changeable weather conditions. This was a feature of the two separate weeks of the Word Alive convention at Prestatyn Sands, N. Wales which ran from 28 March – 2 April and 2 – 6 April.

The main speaker for both weeks was David Cook, Principal of Sydney Missionary and Bible College, Australia. He took the gathered participants through sections of the book of Romans with great insight and encouragement. During Week 1 the main marquee was damaged by the wind and this led to one morning Bible Reading having to be received by everyone via TV in their chalets. The second week had mixed weather and a lot of sea mist, which was eerily beautiful and did not diminish the enjoyment of a great time.

Joyful and challenging

So much goes on at Word Alive for children, students and adults that it is difficult to cover everything. One outstanding feature of Week 2 were the sessions on understanding Isaiah given by Jack Collins, Professor of Old Testament from Covenant Theological Seminary, St Louis. His talks were very scholarly, following the themes of the promised child and of the servant which point to the Lord Jesus. There were helpful seminars on how to start evangelistic contacts, how to conquer obstacles in the church and training leadership in the local church.

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