Fruit after 60 years

Alex Bowler  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jan 2015
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Fruit after 60 years

Saved 60 years on.

Sixty years after Billy Graham held the 1954 Greater London Crusade in the old Harringay Arena, another gospel mission in Harringay took place in mid-October with an amazing conversion story with a link to that original event.

A lady who went to hear Billy Graham preach the gospel in the Harringay Arena in 1954 left that event without committing her life to Christ but 60 years later she came to the ‘Hope For Harringay’ mission and received Jesus as her Saviour! Like the others who came to the Saviour of the world during the mission, she shone with the joy of her salvation.

Not only was the gospel shared in the meetings but also on the street in front of the church by the outreach team. The mission also opened up opportunities for church members to speak to their friends, neighbours and family members about Christ as they took opportunities to give out ‘Hope For Harringay’ invitation cards. We give God all the glory for all he did during ‘Hope For Harringay’: this truly was a mission of hope!

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