Scotland: Holyrood reborn

Euan Dodds  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2014
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Scotland: Holyrood reborn

After-service coffee in the new venue

The first services of Holyrood Evangelical Church (HEC) were held on 5 October.

The set-up and music teams arrived at Leith Academy at 9am to rehearse and have the newly purchased equipment in place. At 11am the theatre was filled with the congregation, numerous well-wishers and a group of 20 American visitors accompanying Professor Doug Kelly, a longstanding friend of the fellowship. The newly called minister, Phil Hair, welcomed those present before the opening hymn, ‘Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of Creation’ broke forth. Andy Scott, one of the trustees of the new church, explained something of the journey so far before George Sydserff, one of the senior elders, assembled and prayed for the ministry team.

Jesus our brother

With the children invited to their crèche and Sunday school in various rooms of the Home Economics department, Sinclair Ferguson preached through Hebrews 2.5-18. He compared buildings to ‘scaffolding’ around Jesus and asked what remained of faith when the scaffolding was taken away? His tender, pastoral exposition of that passage pointed to the Lord Jesus as brother and faithful high priest. His words brought both much needed comfort and encouragement to those present.

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