Lewis stands firm

The Christian Institute  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2014
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Lewis stands firm

Stornoway on Lewis | photo: wikipedia(wmck)

Every Church of Scotland congregation on Lewis, the largest island in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides, has opposed moves to allow practising gay clergy being ordained as ministers, it was reported in mid-October.

Lewis Presbytery, the body representing Church of Scotland congregations on the island, is already opposed on biblical grounds to same sex marriage. The CofS is considering whether or not to reverse its traditional stance against appointing homosexual ministers.

Elders and ministers, who represent their congregations at the presbytery, voted unanimously against proposals to appoint practising gay ministers. The presbytery is concerned that the proposals may lead to biblical views being excluded from the church. A spokesman for the presbytery also warned that the move risks causing ‘further disunity’ within the denomination.

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