en staff / The Christian Institute  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2014
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In October, a Christian school had Ofsted recommend that an Imam be invited to lead collective worship and that failure to promote ‘British values’, as interpreted by the Ofsted team, could lead to its closure by the Department for Education.

Trinity Christian School, a small independent school in Reading, was rated ‘excellent’ for its provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in November 2013. It was told that pupils were ‘well prepared for life in modern, multicultural, democratic British society through the teaching of the Christian principle to “love thy neighbour’’ ’.

However, following an inspection in October, just 11 months later, brought about by a request for the school to change its status and extend its intake to include older pupils, it was deemed not to be meeting the revised Department for Education requirements.

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