On September 27, Edington Chapel in Somerset held a welcome and commissioning service for Matthew Edwards, as a pastoral church worker on a part-time basis.
Matthew worked for ten years with the Open Air Mission. The chapel is rejoicing that God has guided them to this new venture of employing Matthew to help in outreach to the community, re-starting children’s work and building up and encouraging the church fellowship. Matthew and his wife, Sandra, have been living in central Cardiff and have now relocated to a small village in Somerset and are living in a converted milking parlour.
Wonderfully answered prayers
Ten years ago there were fewer than ten members in the chapel, all retired apart from one family. God wonderfully answered prayers for an architect to join them who could re-design and extend the building. In 2007, a thanksgiving service was held to celebrate God’s goodness in providing the finances for the extended building. Recently the chapel, which is linked with Partnership (see www.partnershipuk.org) has been very grateful for the Church Strengthening Initiative (CSI) which has provided advice and support and is now part-funding Matthew’s employment for three years.