Debunking gay myths in London

Pauline S.  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Aug 2014
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Debunking gay myths in London

Robert Gagnon

The Debunking the Myths conference presented a huge amount of information in just one day – June 13 in London and the following day in Belfast.

Evidence was presented to: show that being gay is not innate; demonstrate how both statistics and research are being misused and misrepresented by the LGBT lobby; demonstrate what the Bible says about homosexuality; show that homosexuality carries more health risks than heterosexuality. There were shared testimonies that some people do leave homosexual lifestyles. The participants saw how ideology is undermining science and reducing freedom for individuals in the UK.

Also evident was the sacrifice made by working professionals to make this information public in the face of considerable opposition. In contrast with the sneering attitudes of so many from the politically correct fold, the speakers were approachable, unpretentious and likeable. They were there despite their heavy workloads to say that people with same-sex attraction have a right to not live a gay lifestyle if they don’t want to – and that we must campaign hard to keep that right.

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