Thankful WEST

Kerry Orchard  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jul 2014
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Thankful WEST

Jonathan Thomas and Jonathan Stephen

May 17 saw the SaRang Thomas Centre nearly full for the WEST thanksgiving service.

The service was led by the principal, Jonathan Stephen. Phil Hill, pastoral and church theologian, read Acts 20.13-38 and led in prayer. A number of leaving students were interviewed. All were enthusiastic about their WEST experience. A number are awaiting church votes to confirm leadership places in churches from a range of denominations across the country.

Jonathan Thomas of Ammanford Evangelical Church preached most helpfully from Acts 20 on Paul’s ‘retirement speech’. He challenged the students as to whether they would be able to say something similar when their own ministry ends. Were the staff members preparing their students in line with this? What were supporters looking for in terms of ministers of the future? Jonathan brought out five ‘p’ words to define Paul’s work: passionate for God and for the gospel, which is foundational; preaching the whole counsel of God but centred on the gospel; protective first of his own heart and for his flock; pastoral, not just from the pulpit but ‘up close and personal’; and, finally, prayer was key.

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