Sorted: the mighty Nano!

Capital Youth Works  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jul 2014
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Sorted: the mighty Nano!

Jonty Allcock

Sorted Nano took place on May 17 with over 400 young people (aged 11–14) and their leaders packing St Helen’s, Bishopsgate.

This year’s theme, ‘Mighty to Save’, had the talks tracing the life of Gideon – a desperately weak man used by an awesomely great God. In a culture where young people are encouraged to look inside themselves for strength, the clear message from speaker Jonty Allcock was for all to reorientate and look to Christ. Whether thinking about eternal destiny or current struggles, strength and hope is found in him alone.

Building with wotsits

Alongside the teaching there were ‘mighty’ activities. At the start, an opportunity to build mighty structures out of Wotsits (go on, buy a packet, lick them and stick them together ... see what you can build), then there was a chance to see who could hold eight pints of milk with outstretched arms for the longest – just two of the activities!

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