In late January 50 or so law students and young lawyers attended the annual Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (LCF) weekend in rural Shropshire to think through living for Christ in the legal world.
David Turner QC, a Circuit Judge and Reader at All Souls Church Langham Place, showed from the story of Joseph wonderful truths about the God who works in spite of us, who is always with us, and whose purposes never fail.
The highlight for many was David’s session on godly ambition – a topic one rarely hears discussed. He pointed to the apostle Paul’s ‘ambition to please him’ (2 Corinthians 5.9) and what that would look like for a lawyer, namely: the call to excellence; integrity; service; valuing individuals; resting in our worth in Christ. John Stott had a lasting impact on David’s own biblical understanding of the profession. Indeed, Stott’s words remain as incisive as ever: ‘There is something inherently inappropriate about cherishing small ambitions for God. How can we ever be content that he should acquire just a little more honour in the world? Christians should be eager to develop their gifts, widen their opportunities, extend their influence and be given promotion in their work – not now to build their own empire, but rather to bring glory to God’.