IPNA: don’t annoy me!

en staff  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jan 2014
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A new campaign group was launched in late November to address the problems around the new anti-social behaviour Bill currently progressing through Parliament, and the introduction of the ‘IPNA’.

Called ‘Injunctions Preventing Nuisance or Annoyance’, IPNAs are designed to replace two sanctions. Firstly, ASBOs (Anti-Social Behaviour Orders), orders which for some young recipients had become a badge. Secondly, a less well known but similar order for dealing with anti-social tenants.

Unlikely grouping

It is the combination of these two under the IPNA banner and the weak drafting of the legislation that has brought together groups like The Peter Tatchel Foundation, The National Secular Society and The Christian Institute. They are campaigning together against the IPNA as concern over it is so widespread.

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