LMC: right on the button

JEB  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jul 2013
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LMC: right on the button

Matt Fuller speaking on God’s design for masculinity at the convention

Westminster Chapel, Buckingham Gate, was full for the morning of May 18, hosting this year’s London Men’s Convention.

Sticking to the repeat format of ‘early’ and ‘late’ opportunities to attend, it was a little less full in the evening. The theme of the day was ‘Love Life’, exploring masculinity, sex, marriage and holiness. In the morning three sessions were addressed by Graham Beynon, Jonty Alcock and John Tindall. In the evening, Matt Fuller, of Christ Church Mayfair, subbed for John Tindall, and spoke well from Ephesians 5.

The topic was timely as it addressed the sexual area of male life just as the politicians were debating the introduction of same-sex marriage. With this in the background, Graham Beynon took up his teaching from Matthew 19. The message was compassionate towards those who experience same-sex attraction but clearly highlighted the positives and the rightness of heterosexual biblical marriage. Sexual immorality is all around us and Jonty Alcock spoke on this from 1 Corinthians 6. His style was enthusiastic, pulled no punches and what he had to say was laced with strong illustrations. He brought a number of Bible doctrines to bear on encouraging men to keep pure and to honour God with their bodies.

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