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Found 6 articles matching 'letter from america'.


Visionary dreaming

Date posted: 1 Oct 2022

Dear Editor,

Your September edition was outstanding. The editorial on Christ’s return certainly spoke to my heart. Matt Paterson wrote a thoughtful piece on how we gauge success. America has been in the forefront of this movement. While not all bad it has toxic tendencies. I shared this article with my leadership. Bless you, en, for the kingdom work you do.

ten questions: dismantling our tribalism

ten questions: dismantling our tribalism

Jonathan Lamb

1. How did you become a Christian?


Roe v Wade and the UK

Date posted: 1 Jul 2022

Dear Editor,

William Wilberforce (1759-1833) brought the hidden plight of slaves into public view, thus helping to fix their release from servile bondage.

‘Hundreds of millions will be severely affected as… the climate changes’

‘Hundreds of millions will be severely affected as… the climate changes’

John Emyr & John Houghton
Date posted: 1 Apr 2022

Back in 2014, Sir John Houghton (1931 – 2020) agreed to be interviewed by John Emyr. That interview was translated into Welsh and appeared in the Welsh-language magazine Cristion. It now appears for the first time in English.

JE: Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed. When, and under what circumstances, did you first acquire a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord?

Evangelical weaknesses?

Evangelical weaknesses?

Michael Haykin
Michael Haykin
Date posted: 1 Mar 2022

When did Evangelicalism as a movement emerge?

Is it a relative newbie, as some would assert, a creation of the 1940s out of the ruins of Fundamentalism or is it even more recent, a product of the Sixties? Or does it have much older roots?

I am same-sex attracted, committed to celibacy: please hear my voice

I am same-sex attracted, committed to celibacy: please hear my voice

This article is written by a conservative evangelical committed to Biblical truth on issues of sexuality. Written in the context of the Church of England’s ‘Living in Love and Faith’ debate, it addresses issues pertinent for evangelicals in all denominations. The article is reproduced with permission, but anonymously.

I have found myself wanting to set out some thoughts from the perspective of one who experiences same-sex attraction, and who is and has always been committed to the Biblical view of sex and marriage. What I write here is personal, in the sense that I’m not claiming to represent anybody else or any group. It is perhaps not very theological, and is addressed primarily to those in the church who share my conservative evangelical position, and to encourage further reflection and prayer.


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