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Found 3 articles matching 'letter from america'.


Trump, the US & the cross

Date posted: 1 Oct 2023

Dear Editor,

The States were untied long before Donald Trump appeared (editorial September 23 en).


Keller Centre dis-ease

Date posted: 1 Apr 2023

Dear Editor,

When I first caught sight of the launch of The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, after a few moments of ‘surely that isn’t what I think it is?’, I realised it actually was what I thought it was (named after Tim Keller), and I felt deeply uneasy.


The value of older people

Date posted: 1 Dec 2023

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the delightful article by Milla Ling-Davies in the November issue of en. Her comments on the value of older people and the nonsense of judging people on how they look are heart-warming, as is the declaration of the Paris Fashion week 2023 that ‘ageing is now cool.’ But only if you are beautiful, it seems. Because ageism is based on more than how a person looks: it’s based on a ‘declinist’ view that perpetuates a whole raft of myths about older people.


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