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Found 4 articles matching 'letter from america'.


Sexual temptation

Date posted: 1 Oct 2021

Dear Editor,

Sadly, Dr Curl’s response (August en) to my letter (June en) reveals a common mistake.


Children’s books

Date posted: 1 Jun 2021

Dear Editor,

In the May issue of en your correspondent Neil McKenzie asks about suitable books for his grandchildren. In the 1980s I was asked to tackle this very question by the Librarians’ Christian Fellowship, as it was then called. My findings, still available online, are now very out-of-date but the general principles still apply.


Trump and Biden

Date posted: 1 Jan 2021

Dear Editor,

Martyn Whittock may be concerned at the cocktail evangelicals drink when they vote for Trump, but he fails to assess the ingredients of the only other cocktail on offer: voting for Biden.


The good Trump did

Date posted: 1 Mar 2021

Dear Editor,

Re ‘Donald Trump’s legacy’, February the Christian’s test of a government


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