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Found 23 articles matching 'letter from america'.


Trump dismay

Date posted: 4 Nov 2024

Dear Editor,

What a helpful set of articles you gave us for the UK general election earlier this year – thank you!


Trump, the US & the cross

Date posted: 1 Oct 2023

Dear Editor,

The States were untied long before Donald Trump appeared (editorial September 23 en).


US election

Date posted: 26 Sep 2024

Dear Editor,

While agreeing with seven points raised by Richard Morgan in his article ‘If you’re a Bible-believing evangelical Christian, you WILL vote for Trump’ in the September edition of en, it seems to me that, sadly, American Christians must feel completely disenfranchised with what is on offer in their November elections.


Keller Centre dis-ease

Date posted: 1 Apr 2023

Dear Editor,

When I first caught sight of the launch of The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, after a few moments of ‘surely that isn’t what I think it is?’, I realised it actually was what I thought it was (named after Tim Keller), and I felt deeply uneasy.


Evangelicals and Trump

Date posted: 1 Apr 2024

Dear Editor,

I was saddened by Martyn Whittock’s exceedingly long and blistering attack upon Donald Trump and those US evangelicals that choose to support him (‘How US evangelicals could affect the entire world’). I am far from being any fan of Trump – his vast ego, thin skin, and graceless speech, make for a toxic combination. It is no wonder that so many are offended by him.


Immigration & Scripture

Date posted: 1 Mar 2024

Dear Editor,

I was surprised by the tone and content of Ian Cooper’s letter on immigration in the January en.


The value of older people

Date posted: 1 Dec 2023

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the delightful article by Milla Ling-Davies in the November issue of en. Her comments on the value of older people and the nonsense of judging people on how they look are heart-warming, as is the declaration of the Paris Fashion week 2023 that ‘ageing is now cool.’ But only if you are beautiful, it seems. Because ageism is based on more than how a person looks: it’s based on a ‘declinist’ view that perpetuates a whole raft of myths about older people.


Visionary dreaming

Date posted: 1 Oct 2022

Dear Editor,

Your September edition was outstanding. The editorial on Christ’s return certainly spoke to my heart. Matt Paterson wrote a thoughtful piece on how we gauge success. America has been in the forefront of this movement. While not all bad it has toxic tendencies. I shared this article with my leadership. Bless you, en, for the kingdom work you do.


Roe v Wade and the UK

Date posted: 1 Jul 2022

Dear Editor,

William Wilberforce (1759-1833) brought the hidden plight of slaves into public view, thus helping to fix their release from servile bondage.


Sexual temptation

Date posted: 1 Oct 2021

Dear Editor,

Sadly, Dr Curl’s response (August en) to my letter (June en) reveals a common mistake.


Children’s books

Date posted: 1 Jun 2021

Dear Editor,

In the May issue of en your correspondent Neil McKenzie asks about suitable books for his grandchildren. In the 1980s I was asked to tackle this very question by the Librarians’ Christian Fellowship, as it was then called. My findings, still available online, are now very out-of-date but the general principles still apply.


Trump and Biden

Date posted: 1 Jan 2021

Dear Editor,

Martyn Whittock may be concerned at the cocktail evangelicals drink when they vote for Trump, but he fails to assess the ingredients of the only other cocktail on offer: voting for Biden.


The good Trump did

Date posted: 1 Mar 2021

Dear Editor,

Re ‘Donald Trump’s legacy’, February the Christian’s test of a government


In defence of Donald

Date posted: 1 Dec 2020

Dear Editor,

[Re Donald Trump, en November 2020]


Not so black and white?

Date posted: 1 Nov 2020

Dear Editor,

The letter about black and white pastors was very interesting, but I believe that the wrong conclusion has been reached. I have attended churches occasionally that have black congregations and enjoy the freedom of spirit I have found there. The same is true of churches in Colombia, South America.


Day of Prayer

Lee Emerson
Date posted: 1 Jan 2019

Dear en,

I was encouraged to read in the November edition about the ‘Day of Prayer for Britain: Brexit, Unity and Reformation’…until I came to the concluding remarks: ‘Brexit was likened to the Children of Israel leaving Egypt. Moses persisted. It was God who hardened Pharaoh’s heart. Finally, everyone was set free.’


Future of the church?

Geoff Chapman
Date posted: 1 Feb 2018

Dear Editor,

Eric Barger’s article ‘Churches in Jeopardy’ (en December 2017) was timely and important. We certainly need to be aware of some of the unscriptural ideas seeping into the church, and be warned about their potential detrimental impact. However, I don’t share Eric’s pessimistic view of the future of the church, where ‘error will be the norm … and orthodoxy will be the oddity.’ I don’t buy into the scenario of inevitable decline, which can easily discourage faithful people.


Anglican futures

Alan Bartley
Date posted: 1 Aug 2017


In considering the four options that are before Evangelical Anglicans seeking to resist and rebuild in the face of the global meltdown of Anglicanism, David Baker again repeats the glaring oversight of those recommending ‘Remain and resist’ in claiming that ‘previous breakaways… are miniscule’ (Anglican Update, July en ).


Samuel Rutherford’s monument needs repair

Iain Murray
Date posted: 1 Sep 2017

Dear Sir,

The A75 road between Castle Douglas and Stranraer, in South West Scotland, has been regarded by some as the most scenic in the country. Certainly it passes through countryside with a history not to be forgotten.


Latin America

Alan Tower
Date posted: 1 May 2017

Dear en,

Thank you for your concern for historical perspective and a coverage of global mission issues. We refer to the article on Latin America in the April issue (p.10).


Churchill on Europe

Alan Bartley
Date posted: 1 Dec 2016

Dear Sir,

It always surprises me that our historians and politicians see Churchill’s 1946 speech on a European Federation out of its historic context (Robert Coulson’s letter headed ‘Churchill on Europe,’ en November 2016) and therefore are unaware of the implied limitations. John W. Wheeler-Bennett had access to the Royal Archives when he wrote King George VI - His life and reign (MacMillan 1958) and discloses three relevant facts.


Slide of society

Mike Matthews
Date posted: 1 Feb 2016

Dear en,

I read with interest your article by Edward Vines in the October en on the ‘Slide in Society’, with many illuminating views and quotations.


Church and State

The Revd Mark Smith
Date posted: 1 Jul 2014

Dear Sir

It is perhaps not surprising that an article written from a self-confessedly non-conformist standpoint should decide against the idea of Establishment (‘Breaking the Church/State Link’, EN, June). Even so, a few brief points may be made in response.


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