Found 2 articles matching 'letter from america'.
news in brief
Algeria: arrested
A Christian man, Sofiane, from the Algerian
city of Biskra, was arrested on August 23 by
the National Gendarmerie at a checkpoint
near Biskra, according to a member of the
Protestant church of Algeria (EPA).
Sofiane, married and father of one child,
was in a shared taxi from the city of Oran
when he was arrested. He was taken to
Biskra for questioning. The Christian community in Algeria, including EPA officials, is
concerned by the news of the arrest and by
the fact that Sofiane is still in custody.
news in brief
Australia: euthanasia
New South Wales (NSW) will once again be
subjected to an attempt to legalise euthanasia, it was reported in May.
Catherine Faehrmann MP (Greens NSW
Party) in late April announced her intention
to submit legislation titled Rights of the
Terminally Ill Bill 2013 for NSW’s Upper
House to discuss. Previous such attempts in
NSW have been defeated by a wide range of
cross-party opposition.
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