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Found 6 articles matching 'Ed Drew'.

Bible By The Beach – plus buns!

Bible By The Beach – plus buns!

en staff
Date posted: 1 Jun 2023

Bibles were opened and buns enjoyed at this year’s Bible By The Beach convention in Eastbourne.

Those attending the event enjoyed expositions from Daniel with Alistair Begg – and the hard-working conference team of 180 staff and volunteers fortified their energy with special iced cakes (above right) displaying the conference’s white and blue seagull / Bible logo.

Stars and stripes at Bible by the Beach

Stars and stripes at Bible by the Beach

Vanessa Redhouse writes: A sunny weekend in Eastbourne coupled with vibrant Bible-teaching, inspiring children’s and youth work, a selection of ‘where-the-rubber-hits-the-road’ seminars, rousing music from All Souls Orchestra, a packed bookshop and relevant and friendly exhibitors… it doesn’t get much better than this!

More than 1,250 people, including 350 children and teenagers, attended Bible by the Beach 2022 over the May Bank Holiday weekend.

REVIVE: power of the cross

REVIVE: power of the cross

Date posted: 1 Aug 2019

‘The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved it is the very power of God.’

The words of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians opened REVIVE, Co-Mission’s Annual Bible Festival which took place at the University of Kent at Canterbury in June. In a Big Top filled with attendees from 28 Co-Mission churches across London, the weekend began with an evening of praise, prayer, interviews and a talk by Richard Coekin, CEO of Co-Mission, on ‘The Power of the Cross’. While the message of Christ crucified is despised as weak and foolish by the world, it is central to the Bible, history and Co-Mission. Indeed, it remains the only way that Co-Mission will grow as a network.

Scotland’s shocking sex ed.

Scotland’s shocking sex ed.

Date posted: 1 Mar 2020

A report in the Highland Times at the end of January drew en’s attention to the content of the Scottish curriculum for sex education, which is explicit and teaches pornography in a positive way.

For children aged ten+, a cartoon about pornography includes an audible reference to watching bestiality. Whilst teaching about the objectification of women, the cartoons objectify women. Anal sex is normalised even though it carries a higher risk of STIs and causes physical damage.

Lawyers talk

Ed Veale
Date posted: 1 Jan 2016

The Lawyers Christian Fellowship (LCF) conference in mid-November was a day full of prayer for God’s help for lawyers to fulfil the call to serve him and their clients where he’s placed them.

Jago Wynne, rector of Holy Trinity Clapham, gave a whistle-stop biblical theology of work, showing how the call to daily labour is part of God’s good design for people. Jago drew on his helpful book Working Without Wilting, with many practical tips on what it looks like to work to the glory of God.

Light in the prison cell

Light in the prison cell

‘I know how much of a difference Daylight people have made in my life and the lives of many with whom I served time. Thank you for caring.’

This was a message from Ed, a former prisoner, to those attending the Daylight Christian Prison Trust’s conferences held in Chelmsford and Bristol in March. For many attending it was the first time to hear from Ed, for whom they have prayed over many months.


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