Letter from America
Moody on Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Dec 2013
In coming issues, this column will profile significant American ministries.
In this month’s column, Josh interviews Dr. Paul Nyquist, president of Moody Bible Institute.
Letter from America
From the mouth of hell
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Oct 2013
The prosperity gospel seems
to be straight from the
mouth of hell.
Trained as I was to prize moderation,
intellectual sophistication, cultural nuance,
and deliberate, careful articulation of the
truth, I, nonetheless, can do nothing else but
say this.
Was Adam for real?
Mark Johnston
Date posted: 1 Sep 2013
America is not only noted for its being a melting pot of culture, it is also one of the great melting pots of theology and has been for almost the past 200 years.
Some of the greatest theological seminaries and colleges are located in the US, and so too are many of the great Christian publishing houses. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that it provides fertile soil for theological debate. One of the most recent issues to rise to the surface has been the question of whether or not the Adam of Genesis was a real historical figure.
Letter from America
Good news for orphans
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Mar 2013
Recently I have been involved in an international conference in Kiev, Ukraine, seeking to develop a ‘Ukraine Without Orphans’.
Why describe this, you ask, in 'Letter from America'? Because American Christians, too, are becoming focused on adoption. Russell Moore, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, emphasises this point in his teaching. And recently Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, sparked no little controversy by banning adoption of Russians by Americans.
Letter from America
Growing up in the manse
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 May 2013
I grew up in a boarding school. My father was a boarding school house master, and we lived on the grounds of this community.
I did not grow up in a manse or vicarage or parsonage. My children, of course, are growing up ‘Pastor’s Kids’ (PKs). How can I help them flourish in that environment?
Letter from America
Inaugural prayers
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Feb 2013
Ah, wasn't life easy when it was assumed that Billy Graham would give the inaugural prayer?!
Non-political, widely respected, eminent, senior, an establishment figure who could also appeal across generations. Those dulcet Southern tones mixed with the gravitas of a man who had also prayed with everyone from the President of China, you would think, to the piano repair man next door.
Letter from America
High on God
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Jan 2013
As I write, this day Washington legalised marijuana use.
Predictably there will be a whole host of commentary about it, both from the secular media, and also from Christian pundits. What does the Bible have to say?
Same-sex marriage scares me
Lisa Nolland
Date posted: 1 May 2013
The prospect of same-sex marriage (SSM) becoming law is troubling.
The reasons for this are largely unknown even among Christians. With a few encouraging exceptions (such as the excellent C4M), many evangelicals with a high view of Scripture, which forbids homosexual practice, remain oddly passive. They believe this issue can be addressed by ‘gospel preaching’ and actions which ‘build the Kingdom’. Neither adequately addresses the challenges.