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Found 31 articles matching 'Ed Drew'.

Identity with Christ and in Christ
helping children find faith

Identity with Christ and in Christ

Ed Drew Ed Drew
Date posted: 1 May 2020

An eight-year-old boy walks through his front door in tears. His Christian mum walks in behind him. They are just back from the school run.

He runs off to his room shouting: ‘I’m never going to school again.’ He says he has no friends. He says he always plays alone. Every night he cries, begging his mum to let him stay at home, ‘just for tomorrow’.

Parenting as God’s children  in lockdown
helping children find faith

Parenting as God’s children in lockdown

Ed Drew Ed Drew
Date posted: 1 Jul 2020

I’m finding these days bruising. Between us, my wife and I have eight days of work to squeeze into five days each week. We are sharing the time with our children, so that one of us works in (peaceful) isolation, while the other is a combination of referee, teacher and bringer of light relief to the children.

My particular struggle is disproportionate disappointment when the children demonstrate that they are – children. That is, they are prone to accidents, likely to discourage each other and sometimes lost in bouts of frustration. In short, my children need me to parent them!

Families opening up the Bible
helping children find faith

Families opening up the Bible

Ed Drew Ed Drew
Date posted: 1 Mar 2020

There was a public debate between Professor Richard Dawkins, the famous atheist biologist and Professor John Lennox, the Christian mathematician.

Dawkins started by summarising his greatest problem with Christianity (with a tone of total disdain): ‘[Lennox] believes that the creator of the universe, the God who devised the laws of physics, the laws of mathematics … billions of light years of space, billions of years of time … couldn’t think of a better way to rid the world of sin than to come to this little speck of cosmic dust to have himself tortured and executed … That’s the God that John Lennox believes in.’

I don’t wanna go back to school
helping children find faith

I don’t wanna go back to school

Ed Drew Ed Drew
Date posted: 1 Sep 2019

Sand is still in their shoes, postcards are on their way to grandparents, and suntans have not yet faded; but nerves and worry about the new school year have already started.

I know a girl; let’s call her Ella. She gets very anxious about school. Friendships are hard to navigate. She’s up in the night. She’s sometimes sick in the morning. Her Mum feels exhausted, knowing that she will peel her daughter off her leg at the school gate. Everyone feels like a failure.

Do I have to go to camp?
helping children find faith

Do I have to go to camp?

Ed Drew Ed Drew
Date posted: 1 Jul 2019

I remember being asked by a mother what more she could do to encourage her 14-year-old son to stay close to Christ. Her family was already an active part of their church. She was already doing a great job opening the Bible when she could and taking him to Christ in conversations.

My first step was to encourage her. Her son was safe in God’s hands. She could rely on her Heavenly Father to show her son all love, patience and mercy. Her regular prayers for her son’s heart to always belong to the Lord were being heard. Her desire to surround him with great teaching, great role models and a great church family was bearing fruit in his life. I wanted her to know that his salvation was not a burden that she had to carry.

Cartwheels, Bricks, Marbles
helping children find faith

Cartwheels, Bricks, Marbles

Ed Drew Ed Drew
Date posted: 1 May 2019

Amanda vividly remembers the moment when she cried at her kitchen table in front of her three children.

At the time, her 14-year-old daughter was lying on the floor, her 12-year-old son had his head in his hands and her six-year-old girl was doing cartwheels around the room. Why the tears? Well, all this was happening in the middle of her family Bible time.

What to do with Walliams?

What to do with Walliams?

Ed Drew Ed Drew
Date posted: 1 May 2018

Youth minister, Ed Drew, reviews David Walliams’ bestseller

It was the second-bestselling book of 2017 – only Jamie Oliver beat him!


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