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Found 2 articles matching 'letter from america'.

Monthly column on hymns and songs

Christopher Idle
Date posted: 1 Dec 2003

Dipping into the treasury

Unless they are the sort who throw away every scrap of unwanted paper, people who work with hymns acquire in time a small mountain of other people's products. We keep them because they were written by friends, or struck us as interesting; because we might value a chance to sing them, or because they are there.

On this column's 48th and final appearance, lean over my shoulder as I whiz through some which by various routes have reached me over many years. Let's start with A.

Monthly column on hymns and songs

Christopher Idle
Date posted: 1 Jan 2003

By definition, dictionaries are always playing catch-up. Sometimes they take it slowly, sometimes fast, but they are always a yard or two off the pace. They are for ever recording what people have already meant by the words they speak and write. They can never say, 'From now on, this is what you must mean by using this word'.

So we cannot always expect them to know what Christians are talking about. Especially when we hardly know ourselves. These deep thoughts are stirred by the way we use the language of songs.


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