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Found 8 articles matching 'letter from america'.

Wars and rumours of wars
Letter from America

Wars and rumours of wars

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Dec 2017

Many of us would suppose that we live in unusually disturbed times.

A leading relief organisation in America estimates that they are dealing with, on average, far more serious crises in the early part of this century than in previous decades. There appears to be a growing flame of upsets, civil wars, brutality – and downright barbarism. Not to mention North Korea: what on earth is the world going to do about that most unstable situation?

Fear & loathing in Las Vegas
Letter from America

Fear & loathing in Las Vegas

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Nov 2017

When there is an event like the recent shooting in Las Vegas, a national conversation begins.

It takes fairly predictable lines and moves along standard patterns. The anti-gun lobby comes out in force, as does the pro-gun lobby, and the majority of people mourn and scratch their heads in wonderment that anything so awful could be perpetrated by a human being. Such socio-cultural events seem to have increased in frequency in recent years – whether they are events of violence, race, sexuality and gender, or scandals of one kind or another. And the church is increasingly being asked by a secular society to provide moral leadership with regard to these various ‘cultural issues.’

Letter from America


Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Jul 2017

It’s hard to say which was more shocking.

Was it the release of the video (and watching it) or its quick removal from distribution over the internet? See youtube-removes-video-exposing-planned-parenthood-s-gruesome-abortion-practices.html for the story.

The Sovereign Plan or the plans of mice and men?
Letter from America

The Sovereign Plan or the plans of mice and men?

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Oct 2017

Perhaps the most frequent question I have received as a pastor in America over the last year or so is a version of ‘What on earth is going on?’

It is not hard to understand why variations along the lines of that kind of question are being asked by people today. We have clear indications of cultural change all around us, as well as a grievous lack of decorum and even basic civility in cultural battles. We have a multi-polar global scene with nations jostling for influence and power culminating in various wars or regional conflicts. We have terrorism continuing to spread its blight of vicious evil on the unwary. We have political populism that has thrown up global leaders who have caught many people by surprise.

‘Peace on Earth’
Letter from America

‘Peace on Earth’

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Jun 2017

‘Peace on earth’ (Luke 2.14) is a well-known Christmas text that is often read with a feeling of slight disbelief.

In what sense did Jesus bring peace on earth? If he did what he claimed he would do, why is it that we still have ‘wars and rumours of wars’ (another biblical text that hints that the first text is not to be understood woodenly)?

The forgotten art of listening
Letter from America

The forgotten art of listening

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Mar 2017

As I write, the signs look ominous for much of our world.

I’ve just come from a search of a recent news story seeing college students holding up placards saying ‘This is WAR’. As many will know, America has been embroiled in a low-simmering ‘culture war’ for many decades now, one that could boil over – the tensions seem to be escalating and the troubles mounting.

Violence, justice & church
Letter from America

Violence, justice & church

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Feb 2017

I live in a city that had more murders last year than New York City and Los Angeles combined.

In 2016 alone, Chicago had 3,550 shooting incidents, 762 homicides. That’s two murders and ten shootings per day. Per day. What is more, that number (762) has surged considerably from the previous year: in 2015 there were – I cannot say ‘only’ – 496 murders. Now, given the huge population of Chicago, the actual murder rate per capita is not even close to the highest in America. But the combination of sheer numbers of those killed and the dramatic increase over the last year has many understandably concerned. There is a ‘we must do something about this’ moment approaching.

Changing your life
Letter from America

Changing your life

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Jan 2017

Life is on the wrong track.

Many people today feel that way for one reason or another. Whether it be politics, cultural issues, moral matters or more prosaically economic realities, much of the Western world senses that times are not so much a’changing as a’worsening.


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