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Found 9 articles matching 'letter from america'.

Letter from America


Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Dec 2016

I am a ‘legal alien’, I carry a Green Card and all our children have been born here, but I cannot vote in America.

With that in mind and also being a pastor, it is inimical, unwise, and probably unedifying for me to talk about party politics.

Under-appreciated virtue
Letter from America

Under-appreciated virtue

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Nov 2016

Suicide is second only to accidents as the leading cause of death among adolescents.

This according to the journal Pediatrics, and Internet use exceeding five hours a day has been linked to suicide and depressive thoughts.

Exciting times
Letter from America

Exciting times

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Oct 2016

It’s common place.

Rarely a day goes by without someone commentating on the declining religious interest of the upcoming millennial generation. Much is debated: Are the statistics reliable? Do they reveal a decline in vital faith, or do they expose a dying religious nominalism being replaced by vital evangelical Christianity? Most perti-nently, what (if anything) do we need to do about it? Well, at God Centered Life Ministries, we are excited to call a new generation to centre their lives upon God.

Righteousness exalts a nation
Letter from America

Righteousness exalts a nation

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 May 2016

Are you familiar with the story related to American self-awareness historically?

It’s about the Pilgrims, the Founding Fathers, manifest destiny, etc. If so you will know that there has long been a sense of ‘exceptionalism’ in America regarding its disproportionate blessings, as well as responsibilities to the rest of the world. The Puritans thought of it as a ‘city on a hill’, taking of course cue from Jesus’ language to that regard, Matthew 5.14.

Maturity and gospel centre
Letter from America

Maturity and gospel centre

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Apr 2016

I’m a big fan of the gospel.

No secret there – it’s all over everything I’ve done. I’ve said time and time again that the gospel is not just the ABC, it is the A–Z of the Christian faith. What, however, does that mean with relation to Christian spiritual growth or ‘maturity’? How do we encourage growing up and growing deep and becoming more like Christ?

Cultural engagement
Letter from America

Cultural engagement

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Mar 2016

It used to be simple.

Or at least it looks like that in hindsight. America was founded on, broadly speaking, Judeo-Christian lines. The framers of the Constitution may well not have all been ‘evangelicals’ but they were all influenced by the King James Bible, as well as by the thinking on ‘freedom’ that grew out of John Locke and other Enlightenment tolerance proponents that, while in some cases certainly radical (the French Revolution), were themselves also operating within or reacting to the same basic set of principles and assumptions.

The gospel and race
Letter from America

The gospel and race

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Feb 2016

It would take an ostrich to not be aware that the issue of race has been prominent in recent months in America.

The matter of race has been one that has troubled humanity itself down through the eons. Obviously, the ante-bellum slavery has left its own nefarious trail of dehumanisation, bitterness, and defensiveness, and at the same time other racial/racist attitudes pervade other cultures too.

Reading the Bible – radical!
Letter from America

Reading the Bible – radical!

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Jan 2016

In my prized possession is a letter from John Stott.

He was replying to say that he supported me, as the new President of the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union, in my desire to revitalise the daily Bible reading and prayer life of the Union. Hardly radical stuff. Or is it?

How should Christians vote?
Letter from America

How should Christians vote?

Josh Moody
Josh Moody
Date posted: 1 Jun 2016

Many Christians at election season scratch their head and wonder exactly what sort of principles are to guide them as they face the ballot box.

This is particularly true at this election season, not only in the UK with 'Brexit' but also in America as citizens here begin to face up to the likely options that they will have on the table. What does it mean for a Christian to vote his or her conscience? What sort of guidelines can be given regarding voting that do not stray over the line of partisanship?


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