Found 2 articles matching 'letter from america'.
Anglican futures
Alan Bartley
Date posted: 1 Aug 2017
In considering the four options that are
before Evangelical Anglicans seeking to resist
and rebuild in the face of the global meltdown of Anglicanism, David Baker again
repeats the glaring oversight of those recommending
‘Remain and resist’
in claiming
that ‘previous breakaways… are miniscule’
(Anglican Update, July en ).
Churchill on Europe
Alan Bartley
Date posted: 1 Dec 2016
Dear Sir,
It always surprises me that our historians and politicians see Churchill’s 1946 speech on a European Federation out of its historic context (Robert Coulson’s letter headed ‘Churchill on Europe,’ en November 2016) and therefore are unaware of the implied limitations. John W. Wheeler-Bennett had access to the Royal Archives when he wrote King George VI - His life and reign (MacMillan 1958) and discloses three relevant facts.
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