Women Flourishing in the church
By Nay Dawson
IVP. 100 pages. £8.00
ISBN 978 1 789 744 521
Honestly, I was put off by the title. I was expecting an emotional ‘me-centric’ womanly tale of woe! Rebuke to self!
Instead, Nay Dawson, founder of evangelistic ministry Passion for Evangelism, boldly provides a perspective on what it feels like to be a ‘gifted’ woman in a context of passively embedded patriarchy. While this is not comfortable, and undoubtedly contentious, it is worthy of engagement as there are many women, though not all, for whom these things resonate. She says out loud what many are fearful to say.
Tackling heavy topics in our youth groups
Anyone who has prepared a youth or children's programme for a church weekend away will know the feeling: your minister …