Cultivating a Life of Holy Attention
By Sarah Clarkson
Baker Books. 192 pages. £14.99
ISBN 978 1 540 900 524
Spoiler Alert: If you’re an alpha-male pastor, you will hate this book! In an intoxicating blend of touching life story, lyrical writing style and a deep yearning for God, vicar’s wife and mother of four, Sarah Clarkson challenges the corrosive demands of our restless and distracted world.
Quiet, she argues, is not simply the absence of noise; it’s the cultivated practice of creating space for reflection, self-awareness and divine connection. For many of us, life doesn’t allow for anything like that. It’s dominated by minute-by-minute news updates… anxious headlines… and mindless social-media scrolling. Never mind the actual demands of real life and ministry. And anyway, if we’re honest, we often feel deeply uneasy about the whole concept of quiet. What do we feel like when it’s quiet?