Finding Mystery and Wonder in a
Secular Age
By Rod Dreher
Zondervan Books. 272 pages. £20
ISBN 978 1 399 807 869
A new book by Rod Dreher is a notable event. A socially and theologically conservative Christian, Dreher is one of the most insightful and provocative cultural critics in the public square. In his latest book he faces the challenge of a disenchanted world and the desperate need to recover enchantment.
By enchantment Dreher means ‘that we live and move and have our being in the presence of God – not just the idea of God, but the God who is as near to us as the air we breathe, the light we see, and the solid ground on which we walk’. It is a world in which people feel the transcendent God to be immanent and are aware that there is more to reality than the natural world. In short, this world is sacramental in nature.