en recently had a website enquiry from a man name Gareth who asked if we could write an article on the best Bible app. This email was forwarded to me; I accepted.
I’ve gone through a few Bible apps in my time and decided I’m not sure there is a perfect one; or at least one that ticks all of my boxes. Maybe I should go on the Christian version of Dragon’s Den (I’m not sure that exists) and pitch it!
In this article, I’m going to give you the top five apps I tested and why. I haven’t included those which are specifically prayer, audio, or meditation Bible apps; only those whose main function is being a Bible. I have also only included apps which allow multiple version options. These are in no particular order and are all Android and Apple.
A God who cares about women
Hagar’s story is surely one to be retold. In Genesis 12, Abram and Sarai were promised “descendants as numerous as …