There is no particular theme this month, just new titles that have arrived on my desk that would make excellent gifts for children and young people.
Christmas Collection is a box set of five well-loved Christmas books that proclaim the good news of Christmas in an engaging way. Shh! Don’t Wake the Baby is a title that is bound to become a family favourite (ISBN 978 1 915 705 235).
The Big Big Big Christmas captures the message of Christmas in a way that will appeal to the imagination of a young child. ‘The sun is so big that you could use it to toast 10 million marshmallows all in one go. …’ As you go through different things that are bigger and bigger and bigger then you discover how big God is and that He became a tiny baby at Christmas (ISBN 978 1 915 705 297).
Tackling heavy topics in our youth groups
Anyone who has prepared a youth or children's programme for a church weekend away will know the feeling: your minister …