Why Jesus means death Isn’t the end
By Mark Meynell
IVP. 176 pages. £12.99
ISBN 978 1 789 745 009
Since the earliest days of Christianity, the resurrection of Jesus has been a fascination and a focus point. From the victory wreath Emperor Constantine placed around the Chi Rho, to the empty cross we see in churches, to my children’s over-enthusiastic consumption of Easter eggs, reminders of the resurrection are all around us.
But I know I can find it only too easy to read the words in the Gospels, and even references later in the New Testament, and yet not really wrestle deeply with what they mean – and what they mean for my life now.
Women's Olympic boxing: 'It's not fair!' Or is it?
This long, hot, sporty summer rolls on. Schools have been broken up for weeks, and children are everywhere - including …