Beholding the cross and resurrection
By Paul Mallard
10Publishing. 128 pages. £4.99
ISBN 978 1 915 705 334
As the cross and resurrection are so central to our faith, it always does the believer good to look at them again. This book casts light on these events by viewing them through the lens of Psalm 22, seeing how Jesus fulfils the Psalm as He is forsaken, despised and crucified; and then as He rises and His Lordship is proclaimed.
As the Psalm is explained, the reader is encouraged to engage honestly and humbly with it and appreciate more of what happened when Jesus died. There are questions at the end of each chapter for reflection and application.
A word to those discouraged by hypocrisy & scandal
'Can you give me a reason why I shouldn’t just give up on religion altogether?'Before the young man finished …