Faithfulness in the public square

Rebecca Chapman  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2023
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Faithfulness in the public square

The New Politics of Home, Neighbourhood and Nation
By Danny Kruger
Forum. 192 pages. £20
ISBN 978 1 800 752 115

Danny Kruger is an evangelical Christian, the MP for Devizes, and a fan of Edmund Burke (indeed while at Oxford he wrote a doctorate about him). 

This fascinating book considers all manner of thinkers as varied as Bowlby to Tom Holland; there is philosophy and history mixed in with politics and economics. This is a dense book, not for the faint-hearted. But for those with an interest in not just politics, but in how our society is now ordered, how we got here, and how this could be better, this short book is well worth the effort. 

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