Thinking about men behaving badly

Rebecca Chapman  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2023
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Thinking about men behaving badly

How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes
By Nancy R. Pearcy
Baker Publishing. 352 pages. £19.99
ISBN 978 0 801 075 735

Nancy Pearcy earned the accolade of ‘America’s pre-eminent evangelical Protestant intellectual’ from The Economist. Not bad for a former agnostic!

With a brace of books to her name, she is a fascinating woman. And this is a fascinating book. With its evident depth of research, drawing most importantly and most often on the Bible, but also commentaries, theologians and philosophers mixed in with comment on news pieces, social science, actual science (in particular neurochemistry), history, literature, films, Pearcy makes reference to everyone from C.S. Lewis to Playboy.

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