Big picture

Stephen Ayre  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2023
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Big picture

Understanding the story of the Old
By Mitchell L. Chase
10Publishing. 96 pages. £3.99
ISBN 978 1 913 896 850

New Christians often find the Old Testament hard to follow. This book will help them and others to see the big picture story of the Old Testament from Creation to the Angel Gabriel’s visits to Zechariah and Joseph (Luke 1; Matthew 1).

As well as a narrative of the historical events, we have continual pointers to Jesus as its fulfilment, which are also highlighted at the end of each chapter. There are also suggested Old Testament readings and so the book would work well as an introduction before the reader dives into the original for themselves. The focus is on the historical books, with less attention to the prophets and hardly any for the wisdom literature, but the book succeeds in its aim of retelling the story of the OT as it builds up to the coming of one who will crush the serpent’s head (Gen.3.15), the hope of all the earth (Ps.65.5).

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