The art of the possible

Stephen Ayre  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2022
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The	art	of	the	possible

Navigating Reform in a Local Church
By Paul Watts
Grace Publications Trust. 220 pages. £9.00
ISBN 978 1 912 154 425

This book tells the remarkable story of Paul Watts, who was pastor of Rehoboth Strict Baptist Chapel in Coventry from 1985-2022. It is an extended case study of change in the church (now called Hillfields Church).

The church had been part of the Gospel Standard Strict and Particular Baptists, with its hyper-Calvinist doctrine (no free offer of the gospel, leading to lack of assurance) and ultra-conservative practices (exclusive use of Gadsby’s Hymns and the KJV, compulsory hat wearing for women, and only men allowed to pray).

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