When Heaven Meets Earth
By Tim Chester
Christian Focus. 94 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 527 108 868
What a wonderful little book! Billy Graham’s 1994 book on angels runs to 288 dense pages. This one from Tim Chester clocks in at 94 short easy-read sides.
That’s entirely appropriate because one of the things to love about Chester’s book is that it doesn’t speculate: it sticks to what the Bible says, explains and applies it. A longer book would misrepresent the Bible’s emphasis. Yet, more than this, Chester’s book is simply very helpful. It steers the middle ground (the Bible ground, we might say!) between nay-sayers and angel-obsessives. He is clear and thoughtful. Perhaps not everyone will agree with his Old Testament analysis of ‘the Angel of the Lord’ (though I am wholly persuaded), but even a different view will not diminish this great little read.
Amid all the bad news, can you see good news too?
The news is bad. Nearly always, our news sources contain grim stories, depressing trajectories and disheartening testimonies.Christian news is …