Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuse – and
Freeing Yourself from its Power
By Wade Mullen
Tyndale House. 240 pages. £13.50
ISBN 978 1 496 444 707
Has someone ever said sorry to you, but deep down, you felt they didn’t really mean it?
Maybe this was completely obvious. Their wrongdoing was explicit and personal but their apology is anything but: ‘I’m sorry if you feel I’ve offended you’ questions whether it actually happened; ‘I’m sorry you feel hurt’ almost makes you feel as though you’re the one in the wrong for feeling hurt. Both ‘apologies’ deny the reality that you were hurt and it was clearly the other person’s fault!
The unseen cost of boarding school: pain, healing, and the gospel
There is a malady which affects the souls, bodies and lives of many men and women, but is barely spoken …