Well-crafted, informative and encouraging overview

Nigel Halliday  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2021
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Well-crafted, informative 
 and encouraging overview

An introduction to characters from Christian
Editor John D. Woodbridge
10 Publishing. 224 pages. £14.99
ISBN 978 1 912 373 796

This book of 33 brief biographies of Christians through the ages would serve well as a presentation gift for a young person on their baptism or for their birthday. But they are so well written and edifying that they are worth reading by all of us.

Each chapter is by a different expert, including F.F. Bruce, David Bebbington, Brian Stanley, and Paul Helm. Although concise, the pieces are well crafted and long enough to present a serious, informative and encouraging overview of the life and work of each individual.

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