Big Ideas and an Adventure of Faith
By Julia Cameron
Dictum Press. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 838 097 240
Julia Cameron’s book John Stott: Big Ideas and an Adventure of Faith is an immensely readable and engaging account of the life of John Stott which can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
Presented chronologically, Cameron combines real-life anecdotes about Stott’s childhood, university years and working life with more theologically-oriented snapshots of some of Stott’s beliefs and accomplishments, titled ‘Big Ideas’. For example, whilst writing about his studies during WW2, she speaks of his early pacificism and how it developed through his life. I particularly appreciated the way she touches gently on the historical and social influences which affected Stott and Christians at the time.
Can fantasy fiction point to Scriptural truths?
At the end of October, the British Library suffered a paralysing cyber attack which affected their website and many online …