How to put God at the centre of your life
By Martin Saunders
SPCK. 146 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 0 281 084 234
Using ‘satellite’ as a metaphor for the Christian life, Martin Saunders aims to encourage young people to be ‘all in’ as they follow Jesus.
It’s a good read. He writes well with an engaging manner that’s accessible. There are some really helpful and encouraging stories and illustrations, and you can just feel his natural passion for Jesus. It’s earthed and practical, direct and yet gentle. And for those of us beyond our teenage years it’s not too ‘youthy’, although I did find his regular asides, each marked with an asterisk, a little irritating at times. Maybe his youth group love it though.
Could we abandon church notices?
How are your notices? Highlight of the service, or a necessity that is dull as ditch-water?For most of us, …