Calvinistic catechising

Kenneth Brownell  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2020
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Calvinistic catechising

BELIEVE: what should I know
By Mike McKinley
Christian Focus. 93 pages. £5.99
ISBN 978 1 527 103 054

This book is in a 9 Marks series of short workbooks on the basics of the Christian life.

It is published in partnership with 20 Schemes. Mike McKinley is a pastor of a Baptist church in Virginia. And what a excellent little book this is – an accessible doctrinal introduction to the Christian life. Covering the key points of Christian doctrine from ‘Who is God?’ in Chapter 1 to ‘Jesus’ Return’ in Chapter 9, each chapter succinctly explains and applies the truth of the gospel. As well as explaining a doctrine, each chapter has sections entitled ‘Samuel’, ‘Illustration’, ‘Stop’ (a reflective pause to help readers assimilate the truth), then ‘Key Verse’, ‘Memory Verse’ and ‘Summary’.

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