Release the inner nerd!

Date posted:  1 Nov 2020
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Release the inner nerd!


The Trusting the Bible podcast is a collaboration between Tyndale House, a Biblical studies research centre in Cambridge, and the Bible Society. This podcast aims to help ordinary Christians have greater confidence in the reliability and relevance of the Bible.

Faith and ‘a fair dose of nerdiness’ is how Dr Dirk Jongkind, Vice-Principal of Tyndale House, describes his younger self in Episode Three, but it’s not a bad description of the podcast as a whole. It’s a series of interviews with Biblical scholars, designed to inform, equip and give confidence to Christians. These experts have spent years applying their ‘inner nerdiness’ to studying the Bible, and here they are using what they have learned in service of the wider church. We don’t all have the opportunity to examine early manuscripts, or the academic skills to become experts in first-century culture. But the guests on this podcast have done just that and can speak confidently about their belief that the gospels are accurate, reliable accounts of the life and teaching of Christ.

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