A fictional antidote to Covid-19? Maybe. . .

Sheila Stephen  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2020
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A fictional antidote to Covid-19? Maybe. . .

Hope for Today from 12 Women of the Bible
By Jill Eileen Smith
Revell (A division of Baker Publishing Group).
216 pages. £10.99
ISBN 978 0 800 728 670

Normally I am not a great fan of this genre of books – fictionalised fact – but I was reading this particular book during times that were anything but normal – the coronavirus lockdown.

I had been looking for a book with some depth to it. I was fed up with heavy articles and books about suffering, and had also had enough of evangelical disputes about whether or not Covid-19 was a judgement of God (I agree with C.H. Spurgeon on that issue!).

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