Guide to a modern tragedy

Tom Dowding  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2020
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Guide to a modern tragedy

A contemporary and biblical perspective
By D. Eryl Davies
Christian Focus. 104 pages. £4.99
ISBN 978 1 527 104 204

Understanding Suicide and Euthanasia is part of the Christian Pocket Guides series, and seeks to give a contemporary and biblical perspective on these pressing issues of our time.

In a world where the human right to have control over our lives is assumed, having some idea of where we stand on matters of life and death is vital for Christians. In this book Eryl Davies gives a decent overview of the upward statistical trends in assisted death and euthanasia, the cultural climate that has led our society to increasingly view euthanasia as a ‘right’, and a solidly biblical view of why – if God has made us in His image – this is not a viewpoint Christians can share. Even as he holds this position, Davies still rightly endeavours to compassionately identify with the incredibly sensitive and painful circumstances that might lead one to consider euthanasia, and seeks to show how a knowledge of Christ and a biblical view of suffering could help sufferers and their families.

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