A wise head on young shoulders

Tim Saunders  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2020
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A	wise	head	on	young	shoulders

Counseling Teenagers Biblically
By John C. Kwasny
Christian Focus. 330 pages. £11.99
ISBN 978 1 527 103 863

Anger, anxiety, depression, drugs and alcohol, eating disorders, guilt and shame, sexual, physical and emotional abuse, same-sex attraction and gender identity, pornography, premarital sex, rebellion, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, bullying and peer pressure, social media, video games (some very violent), demotivation. With our teens subject to a 360⁰ barrage we need all the help we can get, especially in a world that shares few of our values and ethics… which is why this book is welcome for parents and church leaders.

Pursuing a Heart of Wisdom begins with three chapters setting out general principles: Planting Firmly in Biblical Presuppositions; Practicing (sic) a Biblical Counseling (sic) Process; Partnering Together in Community.

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