Equipped,­ strengthened ­and ­deepened

Jessica Putt  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2020
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Equipped,­ strengthened ­and ­deepened

John Dickson
The Good Book Company. 154 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 784 983 659

In a world where fake news is common, people are questioning what sources they can trust. This scrutiny is being brought to the Bible, questioning its reliability as to something we can stake our lives upon. In this environment it can be easy for Christians to be accused of believing fairy tales or ancient made-up propaganda.

In this short, accessible book John Dickson takes the reader through the principles on which all historical investigation relies and then applies that to major historical characters such as Emperor Tiberius, Alexander the Great, Pontius Pilate and also Jesus. He is balanced in this approach, considering the studies of both Christian and non-Christian scholars, and leaving the reader with no doubt that historical study concludes that Jesus really did walk the earth. The biblical accounts of His life, death and resurrection are historically reliable documents.

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