Hold on…

Hugh J Thomson  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2019
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Hold	on…

Learning from seven biblical characters
By Michael Black
Christian Focus. 219 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 527 103 375

A great deal has been written about the beginning of the Christian life; much less about its end. Love for Jesus can sometimes fade with advancing years, and this book encourages us to take a look at some biblical characters and see how they fared in their later years.

Caleb held fast to God’s promises through 45 years, and is presented as an example of an elderly believer whose faith has been tested and proved. Solomon asked God for wisdom and started well, but compromised. Lot set out with Abraham, but got drawn into worldly ways. Demas came to value earthly things more than Christ. Joshua set up memorials to jog failing memories – as the Lord’s Supper is designed to do for New Testament believers.

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